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vineri, 23 august 2013

Obicei de nunta

Inca o piesa interesanta din colectia domnului Frank Carpenter:
"Type of Roumanian peasant girl. Upon her wedding day an olive twig must be held over her head by one of the men attendants and if once it is dropped even during the dancing and feasting, bad luck will be her lot and the [indescifrabil] gaiety will be dispelled in a jiffy."

In Romana lucrurile suna cam in felul urmator: "Tip de fata de la tara romanca. In ziua nuntii o ramura de maslin trebuie tinuta deasupra capului ei de catre unul dintre barbatii participant si, daca este scapata, chiar si in timpul dansului sau mesei, ghinionul se va abate asupra ei si toata fericirea se va risi intr-o clipita"

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